
Jason C. Nycz P.Geoph, P.Geo, Ph.D.
With over 20 years of geophysical experience in Canada, North Africa, South America and the South Pacific, Dr.Nycz holds extensive experience in acquisition, processing, interpretation, and analysis of 2D, 3D, 4D seismic and potential field datasets. Experienced in managerial and technical roles in both private and public oil & gas companies, Dr. Nycz is technically familiar with structural and stratigraphic geologic settings as well as utilizing seismic to explore, develop, and characterize both conventional and resource style reservoirs.
Dr. Nycz holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Geophysics from the University of Alberta, a Master of Science degree in Planetary Geophysics from the University of Calgary, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Geology and Geophysics from the University of Calgary. Currently he is a member of APEGA, APEGBC, SEG, CSEG, and the ASEG.